Carcosa Dreams

Games, Events, Madness

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Gangs needed!

2040 The brave officers of the City Police Department are entering the infamous Tenement 67 for the first time in years. They are tasked with bringing law and order to a slum rife with organised crime and poverty. We have…

Villages and Community

Your characters home will not only help shape your character background and ties with others but also be a key story point of the game. They are not intended to provide characters with mechanical advantages or in game resources, they…

A daughter’s pride

A life time ago, in the deep winter at the time of the Gods offering the land froze and with it came a great horde of Trollfolk. A horn sounded as the first burning torches began to light the horizon…


The Druids of Alba have applied woad to their people for generations – it is one of the cornerstones of their community traditions. Woad signifies belonging, and protection – druids apply woad to the members of their community, to show…

“A Pleasure Just To Be Nominated”

The LARP Awards are somewhat controversial, but it would be churlish not to appreciate that our players think highly enough of our events that we’re nominated five times for different things in their recently published list. So thank you all…

Lands of Alba: The Other Place

Tir na nΓ“g. Annwn. The Western Lands. Avalon. Emain Ablach. Tech Duinn. Faerie. Lavondyss. The Lands of Autumn. Our myths and legends have as many names for the Otherworld as there are tribes to tell tales. The Other Place draws…

Lands of Alba: Lost Doggerland

It’s said by those who heard the tale that in the times before the Moon, when the Ice covered the North, Alba was a much greater land. Vast plains rolled off beyond the Fenlands, which were themselves more like the…

Lands of Alba: The Summerlands

Overview Rolling fields and gentle hills, kind land with good grazing and rich harvests. These are the lands where the Potter and the Farmer hold sway, where the wild past of the Albanni sometimes seems the furthest from now. The…

Lands of Alba: the Greenwood

Overview The Greenwood is the great forest which occupies the majority of the central mass of the island of Alba. It is not continuous; there are great clearings miles across in places, and hills rise out of the forest cover…

Lands of Alba: The North Country

Overview High plateaus, wild and breathtakingly beautiful moors, windswept expanses between towering peaks, harsh winters, hard but kind people, unyielding grey stone, poor crops, settlements smaller and further away but motivated by fierce pride in their land and their traditions….