Carcosa Dreams

Games, Events, Madness


Forsaken – Dreaming of Eschatologistics

Forsaken 9 is our last remaining event for 2021. Just like the characters is surviving against the odds but only time will tell if we need to move the date again.

In the meantime we are pleased to announce that writing is going well, we have some great plot lines and we are a few weeks off finishing the downtime write ups and new character keywords. If you are still working on your new character or you have not submitted your downtime request you can complete these here:–GNVX93_NusmyjY7pYWUx7Mm6-xfvH4ZvRB6zX76GQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

We’ll keep you updated on the Covid Safety measures we’ll be using as we get closer to the event. Rest assured every care will be taken and if the risk to yourselves is too high, the event will be moved to a safer date in 2022.

Header Photo by Yener Ozturk on Unsplash


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