Carcosa Dreams

Games, Events, Madness

image of the Alps
Dead Air

Dead Air

Carcosa Dreams, in association with the Greater Alps Knitting Circle, presents


a freeform live-action game set in the world of Ars Magica, for 65 players.

The Alps. There’s a reason they divide us all. The higher you go, the deader the air, until there’s nothing left to breathe and you have to become something entirely different to survive.


Dead Air will be held at Ingestre Hall, Staffs, from 25th to 27th November, 2022.

In the beliefs of the ancient Dacians, the Alps were the spine of a long-sleeping dragon upon whom mountains had grown. Who are you to scoff, that know so little of the dark powers of the underworld?

– Guernicus

You can find information about the game, the world, the scenario and the characters here.

What is magic but the rules dictating the means of manipulating a paradigm? What are magi but paradigmatic architects? Magic is not for using, it is for defining.

– Criamon

Tickets will be Β£250, although a variety of options around payment are offered.

To fill in the player questionnaire and take a look at the booking options click here – ticket sales will open at 7pm on 25th November, 2021

Bookings will only be accepted if associated with a completed questionnaire.

If we are all doomed, what harm then to come together and listen to a wise man’s words – even if you think them an outlandish dream? If the world is ending, do you have anything better to do?

Mercere, to Tytalus

To reiterate:

Game Background – click here

Player Questionnaire – click here

Ticket Site – click here (tickets go live 7pm 25/11/21)