Carcosa Dreams

Games, Events, Madness

Year: 2019

Lands of Alba: The Summerlands

Overview Rolling fields and gentle hills, kind land with good grazing and rich harvests. These are the lands where the Potter and the Farmer hold sway, where the wild past of the Albanni sometimes seems the furthest from now. The…

Lands of Alba: the Greenwood

Overview The Greenwood is the great forest which occupies the majority of the central mass of the island of Alba. It is not continuous; there are great clearings miles across in places, and hills rise out of the forest cover…

Lands of Alba: The North Country

Overview High plateaus, wild and breathtakingly beautiful moors, windswept expanses between towering peaks, harsh winters, hard but kind people, unyielding grey stone, poor crops, settlements smaller and further away but motivated by fierce pride in their land and their traditions….

Forsaken season two is here

The apocalypse continues. Once-possessed corpses now rot in the blasted ruins of human civilisation, a reprieve in a way but an uncertain future now faces those who have fought so hard to survive. The war against the walking dead is…

The Warriors Fate

Something roared from the tree line, this was the third time now and it was getting closer. Their spear still pointed outwards they looked to the Shaman still whispering to the huge figure in the centre of the glade. Noticing…

Lands of Alba: The Fenlands

Overview The Fenlands are the name given to the low-lying eastern flanks of Alba and encompass both the great marshes and flatlands of the eastern plain and the long eastern and south-eastern coastal strip. The Fenlands breed a people who…

Lands of Alba: The Old Country

Overview The Old Country the name given to the mountainous and rugged western flanks of Alba, and the low plains that connect them to the rest of the mainland in the east. The People of the Old Country are defined…

Save the dates

We are pleased to announce that we have secured sites for our first three regional Alba events to take place this year. We don’t have full details of the events available yet but more information will be coming soon including…

Welcome to t67 – sign up is open

Sign up is now open. Please complete the form linked below to book your place. You’ll need to supply some personal details and let us know your preference for a character archetype. These will then be process over the next…

The Stories of your People, The Myths of your Land

As we have alluded to previously, the gods and spirits of Alba are fictional – drawn from our imaginations and our research into the commonalities of faith amongst early peoples – but the faith of the Albanni in their gods,…