Firstly, the Bad News…
Unfortunately bookings for The Woodland Call, our Fenlands event in July, and A Northern Welcome, our Northlands event in September, have been insufficient for these events to be viable on their current dates.
We’re obviously disappointed, but a combination of factors have conspired against these two events.
We have therefore taken the decision to withdraw these events from the current schedule in order to let us focus our efforts on making the Alba launch the best it can be.
Speaking of Which, The Good News…
Fear not. Whispers in the Hills, our Old Country event scheduled for November, will proceed as planned. This will now be the Alba launch event. This event is showing strong bookings but there is still plenty of space!
Book for Whispers in the Hills here
Farmer Be Praised, More Good News…
We are pleased to announce that we have secured a site and date for our Summerlands event – booking will be opening in the coming weeks. Please mark 20-22 March 2020 in your diaries. Our site will be Danemead, Broxbourne Common, Cock Ln, Broxbourne EN11 8GG.
More details will follow – watch for updates.
Yet More Good News… The Sisyphus, Run 2
By popular demand, the second run of our shipboard 1980’s sci-fi thriller will see a group of characters take to the North Sea aboard a secret research vessel at the height of NATO and Russian tensions.
Save the Date – 24th – 26th January 2020
Lord Amory, 631 Manchester Road, Dollar Bay, London, E14 3NU
You can register interest and keep up to date here or on Facebook
More details soon.