Lands of Alba: The North Country
Overview High plateaus, wild and breathtakingly beautiful moors, windswept expanses between towering peaks, harsh winters, hard but kind people, unyielding grey stone, poor crops, settlements smaller and further away but motivated by fierce pride in their land and their traditions….
Lands of Alba: The Fenlands
Overview The Fenlands are the name given to the low-lying eastern flanks of Alba and encompass both the great marshes and flatlands of the eastern plain and the long eastern and south-eastern coastal strip. The Fenlands breed a people who…
Lands of Alba: The Old Country
Overview The Old Country the name given to the mountainous and rugged western flanks of Alba, and the low plains that connect them to the rest of the mainland in the east. The People of the Old Country are defined…
The Stories of your People, The Myths of your Land
As we have alluded to previously, the gods and spirits of Alba are fictional – drawn from our imaginations and our research into the commonalities of faith amongst early peoples – but the faith of the Albanni in their gods,…
The Watcher in the Marsh
The trek across the dank and misty marshes had been bad enough; the Watcher in the Marsh lived a long way from the village – from any civilised people – and only those who were bold, who were in need,…
Tales of Heroes’ Youth
As we said last week, we’ve primarily been asked two questions – “Is this Odyssey 2” – which we answered last week, and “What is Alba“, which, hopefully, this post will go some way toward answering. We are exceptionally fortunate…